Douc Langur Foundation is a 501(c3) nonprofit conservation, research and education organization dedicate to protecting the Douc Langur monkey and their wild habitat to ensure that they will survive in their home ranges for future generations.

Douc Langur Foundation

Douc Langurs are among the most beautiful and endangered primates in the world. They are only found in three countries in the world: Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Like so many primates worldwide, poaching, trapping and illegal trade are threatening their survival in all three countries. This situation exists for many reasons but most significant are a lack of effective law enforcement and the prevailing climate of corruption at all levels of government whose job it is to protect them.

Take a look at our award winning videos

In this film, Saving Son Tra, Lois Lippold, founder of Douc Langur Foundation, describes the behavior and interaction of mother doucs with their babies.  If you haven’t seen the film on the douc langurs of Son Tra and the effort by Douc Langur Foundation to protect them, be sure to click the following picture to watch it.  Click view more button below to view it in its entirety.

Our video has been selected for World Premier at the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival also selected for the Freeland Film Festival 2019.


New Videos

Let’s Play

Young Douc wants more attention from Mom and her sister. Notice the grooming couple on the right-hand side takes no notice of this chaos.

Don’t sit on my tree!

Two doucs having a discussion about who gets to sit on this spot on the tree.

Douc Langur family eating young leaves at Son Tra Nature Reserve in Vietnam

Watch our baby doucs learning which foods to eat and playing around Mom all under the watchful eye of Dad. The male by his presence is quietly protecting the two females and infants while they eat their favorite things: baby leaves.

Douc Langur Foundation

Douc Langur Foundation Biodiversity Class

DLF is conducting summer biodiversity classes

Scientific Studies and Research Projects

Direct Protection of Doucs and other animals

Our Mission

To protect the Douc Langur and their wild habitat to ensure that they will survive in their home range for future generations. The foundation is dedicated to the proposition that much can be done to preserve the Douc Langur including habitat conservation, research, education and local community involvement. We believe that if we can protect the Douc Langur, we will be protecting the forest and other species.

US Wildlife trafficking alliance
USFCR Verified Vendor
Donate to save the Doucs today!